Varshavskaya str., 9- corp 1, St-Petersburg, 196128, Russia,

+7 (812) 441-24-94

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FEA Outsoucing

Tailored Project Transport

Tailored project transport services that meet your operational needs.

Even though we have probably carried out a transport project similar to yours, we know that no two projects are identical. That is why our specialists do comprehensive research to clarify all aspects and specifications of your particular transport before the project is even started.

Global transport know-how

Some new activity areas are driven by customer requests and other tailored solutions grow from the business potential that we identify. Our in-depth know-how and experience in one part of the world may be useful to you in the same type of industry in another part of the world. This knowledge may be the platform you need for your special transport project.

Quality management

We fully understand our customers’ requirements for global security and compliance. Quality management, health and safety systems and environmental systems (ISO 9001:2008, OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 14001:2004) are some of the certificates we hold. These certificates are required for the planning and effectuation of project transport assignments worldwide.

Our core services combined with value-added services ensure a one-stop solution for international and multinational customers.

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Sed nisi enim, sodales sed urna sit amet, viverra cursus enim. Sed lobortis, purus nec porttitor rhoncus, tortor ante porta lectus, a semper justo ante sed quam. Praesent eu finibus neque. Etiam scelerisque hendrerit leo, eu semper purus porttitor et. Donec vehicula lobortis justo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras vehicula nec metus vitae dignissim. Nunc nec lorem dui. Duis sodales pulvinar felis, id luctus augue accumsan sit amet. Praesent eget tristique quam, sed aliquet est. Fusce id lorem ac eros sodales suscipit. Phasellus vel ipsum sed risus aliquam cursus in ac neque. Donec vel tortor in justo auctor tincidunt. Fusce a nisl pretium, gravida metus dapibus, maximus nunc.

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