Varshavskaya str., 9- corp 1, St-Petersburg, 196128, Russia,

+7 (812) 441-24-94

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FEA Outsoucing

Russian export Outsourcing

The Russian Export Trade

Russian export

By developing its transportation-expeditionary range of activities, the Sekom Logistics Company is pleased to offer it’s services in export from Russia.

Russia is a complicated country for foreign trade companies. Russians were separated from International trade for 80 years of USSR history.

But Russia is a very rich country, so, many trading companies try to do business here.

 Difficulties foreign companies face with, doing business  in Russia.

  • no objective  information about goods and companies
  • not enough english-speaking staff in Russian companies.
  • no business experience in Russian producing companies or plants
  • lot’s of Russian permissiobns and regulatitions to follow
  •  impossible to check Russian  selles’s reputation
  • huge territory

All these mattters break the business ideas. In addition, due to political reasons, many US and European news agencies write lot’s of lie and critical posts about people and business in Russia. US and Europe started sanctions agains Russian companies.

Following all these info, many European and US traders prefer to avoid Russia, Russian business, Russian trade and Russian goods.

Same time, everyone knows that Russia is extremally rich and trade with Russian companies give such benefits they never will get in ususal international trade.

But everyone want to be sure before he starts. He want to be sure in Russian partners, in their reputation, in their straight dealing.

Everyone neens a compass in Russia, in Russian busines.

 Sekom Logistics Company is Your compass in Russian export.

What do we do for You?

  • we find out correct Russian products for Your purchase following Your requirements.
  • we buy Russian products on the Russian market  and will export them to You under direct contract
  • we arrange delivery to Your warehouse or point You will point to us as we are logistic company
  • we make all Russian EX-1, all necessary certificates, permissions and labels


At present, the Sekom Logistics is able to provide deliveries of equipment, its components and raw materials to a large number of various production companies.



Benefits to be derived by using Russian Foreign trade outsourcing

  • You will never loose Your money, paying to the unknown Russian company;
  • You will get exactly goods You ordered;
  • You will get Russian goods cheaper, quicker and better than You will find Yourslf, using internet;
  • You will get agreed quantity and quality;
  • You will pay goods cheaper as we deal on the commission base- we are not trading company- we are Russian forwarder;
  • You will get direct info any time of the bisiness- how business is going on- we answer 24/7;
  • No risks-we deal in Russia from 2005 and many respectable clients choose our company as a partner;
  • You will save Yout time, money and mood


Russian export Outsourcing. How it works.

It can be two ways of collaboration:

First way- buyer knows only goods for the purchase in Russia

    1. A client mention goods to purchase in Russia.
    2. Sekom Logistics find out goods and offer them from one or several Russian producers.
    3. Sekom Logistics negotiates the working conditions and discusses parties, prices, time terms and delivery requirements with Russian producer and pass info to the client.
    4. The Sekom Logistics Manager checks the transaction and the goods’ delivery, beginning from the mutual settlements with the supplier and ending with the delivery of merchandise to the customer – the Foreign trade company.

Second way- buyer knows Russian producer, but it can’t export.

    1. A client finds a supplier or a goods’ producer in Russia, but they doesn’t have export experience or wish to export.
    2. Cient indicates the requirements, desired price, conditions and the goods’ characteristics to Sekom Logistics.
    3. The Sekom Logistics Manager gets in touch with the supplier/goods’ producer whose name is indicated in the request in order to negotiate prices and conditions with him/her. Besides that, Sekom logistics check producer’s history and reputation.
    4. . The Manager will thereafter inform his client of an outcome of his negotiations regarding the possible versions and costs.
    5. After an agreement is reached, the cargo goods will be purchased, organised and set for a controlled export delivery.


Each client has been allocated his/her own Personal Manager at the Sekom Logistics Clients Department. This rule covers both the maintenance of usual correspondence and making purchases and Russian export .

All our managers who make purchases and conduct import and export operations on behalf of their clients have vast work experience both in the Russian and foreign companies.



Service costs and mutual settlements of Russian Foreign trade outsourcing

The Sekom Logistics Co aims to be Russian trade agent for Russian export  for any client. In order to achieve that objective a complex service cost is thereby fixed. All services inclusive of prices are indicated in the offer. Therefore, you will always know beforehand the complete prime costs of any part of goods you wish to purchase.

In the merchandise price inclusive are:
– an invoice cost of the goods;
– delivery costs from the manufacturer/vendor of goods over to the client’s warehouse;
– the customs fees;
– costs of import certification to be used in the Russian Federation (RFOCSE – the Russian Federation Oversight Committee for Sanitation & Epidemiology), RTS (Regional Tariffs Service) if necessary);
– costs of services rendered by Sekom Logistics;
– banking expenses pertaining to the currency exchange and purchase of goods from a foreign supplier.

It may be possible to pay for the merchandise by installments on the basis of a preliminary approved payment schedule.

To achieve the best service, Sekom Logistics has own US registered company- Sekom Logistics inc. and European registered company and European VAT payer


Russian export

Any further details can be discussed with the Commercial Director by phoning on (812) 441-24-94.

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